Sunday, October 30, 2016

Will Run for Chocolate

I did my third ever 5K today and I killed it! Clearly I only do themed 5Ks because the previous ones were a color run and the Mermaid 5K earlier this month but I legitimately ran this one hardcore and the reason was, this was a Hot Chocolate 5K. I got chocolate at the end! (And it case anyone doubts my hardcore running efforts today, I finished 13,945 out of 19,928 runners). I also proved that I really am THAT motivated by chocolate (and also that my assertions that I run like a fat toddler chasing an ice cream truck are pretty true since I was literally running for dessert).

My crazy schedule barely leaves time for sleep these days and this 5K meant I couldn't sleep in today either. I was out the door at 6:45 BUT my landlady actually drove me since her daughters were doing it as well, so that was an unexpected perk.

Fly the W for Wrigley
It was dark and chilly when we arrived, but 40,000 people lining up to do a 5k /15k will warm you up pretty quickly. Cub pride was also on display (it's on display everywhere... my subway car was so full yesterday that I almost couldn't get off the train and they were all singing the "Go Cubs Go" song and some guy was playing it on a TUBA. Side note: I'd never heard this song until yesterday, but apparently it's a thing... Sorry, Cubbies, but the Red Sox have the greatest song... You all know Sweet Caroline, right?).

I was not the happiest of campers in the wee hours of the mourn, BUT the race had a geotag and I was super happy when I'd finally finished. Mandy and her friend, Paige put it really well -- it was surreal running through the streets of Chicago like that. They'd closed Michigan Avenue! For this 5K! (FYI: 9:34 was when I finished but I did not start at 8:15 -- that's just when I was cold and grumpy).

I'm extremely proud of myself for the way I ran today, because I did actually run! Last night, I was debating if I could just sneak over the finish line to get my mug because I've been so stressed and haven't been working out but today I proved that I am tough as nails and can do anything!

Even if I hadn't gotten that good feeling at the end of the race, the swag alone was worth it. I got an amazing, heavy duty sweatshirt just for registering! You got a medal for completing the 15K version of the race but ain't nobody got time for that (It's a cool medal but I'm not stupid). But everyone who completed either race got their finisher's mug with hot chocolate AND fondue. It was heaven. I met up with Amanda and Paige after the race to enjoy the spoils of victory (they both had earlier start times and are faster than me anyways). Strangely, the fondue was better than the hot chocolate , which you'd think would be amazing because "Hot Chocolate 5K" but I still drank it cuz I am a champion.
Victory is sweet.
Although chocolate is delicious, we decided we needed some brunch food, so we got on the train and went towards Fullerton, since it put all three of us in a good place to get home. We had zero ideas of anywhere to eat nearby and Mandy even suggested McDonald's but we stumbled on a diner place. It was crowded and our server forgot about us, but the food was good (I got a breakfast skillet) and we need to go back because they claimed to have the best milkshakes in Chicago.

After that, I almost fell asleep on the bus and nearly missed my stop, but I managed to get home, where I collapsed on my bed and slept well into the afternoon. Wide awake now, I've made myself some dinner and am catching up on Hulu on my phone. I don't know when my next 5K will be (Hot Chocolate 2017, anyone) but I'm excited to frame my bib and give it a place of honor on my wall!

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