Friday, October 14, 2016

First Chicago Medical Crisis

Guess who knows where urgent care is now?

Quite frankly, I'm surprised it took this long for me to injure myself/get sick to the point of needing medical assistance but yup, this week broke my streak.

I'm proud to announce that a mysterious allergic reaction blew up my face and sent me to urgent care (because when your eye is swollen shut, it's time to admit that there is a problem). I have no idea what caused this but it was the most unpleasant thing to have happened to me since I moved here. It was not, however, my most unpleasant trip to urgent care -- that would be the time that I went to the CLOSED urgent care in Center Valley, PA during a hurricane.

So yup, 10 points to me for not waiting a whole week to write another post but 20 points to the universe for replacing my face with something that more closely resembles a poisonous fungi. If you need me, I'll be searching for bell towers to call home and pining after gypsy women.

(And by the way, urgent care here was very nice although they lose points for choosing to give me a shot of steroids in my butt cheek instead of my arms).

(Also my face looks pretty face-like again so maybe that bell tower thing can wait until after I go back to urgent care for an allergy test next week).

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