Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Baby Bears

Good news and bad news:

Bad news: My laptop still isn't fixed.
Bad news II: The allergy test I had revealed NOTHING (except that I might be slightly lactose intolerant)
Bad news III: My wallet was stolen!

Good news: The Cubs are going to the World Series!

Yup, the Baby Bears threw the puck and scored a touchdown to go to the Academy Awards of Baseball.

This sports news doesn't actually outweigh all of the crap that has come up in the past few days but it does explain why I was at the bar until 3:30 last night. (It was a theatre bar though, so the collective sports knowledge was in the negative numbers).

Knock on wood, but it would be very cool to see the Cubs win. I was in middle school when the Red Sox reversed the curse and it would be nice to think that I'm a) Chicago's good luck charm and b) now old enough to get really wasted with the rest of the city instead of falling asleep before the end when I attempted to watch the game. Although, let's be honest, either way, I'll sleep through the actual game.

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