Thursday, October 20, 2016

Temping Was Amazing Today*

I am clearly crushing the less-than-minimum-wage game the same way I manage to kill the mood whenever I enter a room.

Today was the third day of my thrilling time with FIA. The perks of which included a surprise appearance by Claire Noone today, hanging out with Victoria (a college friend of Amanda Belscamper's) and taking a few covert snap chats because the event had their own geofilter. Please feast upon me as I restock bags and magazines -- a job I was clearly born/went to college for.

*That title is 100% sarcastic by the way. The only things that were amazing about today was the variety of skin tones that clashed with that slime green shirt and the truly hideous bottle of wine I purchased when Claire and I went to Trader Joe's at the end of the day.

**The bottle itself is amazing. I have not had the wine yet. But the bottle was really ugly and I needed it.

***Because I'm collecting empty, ugly wine bottles now.

1 comment:

  1. Thomson - sorry to post this on a blog entry, but I couldn't find an email address for you. Someone found your drivers' license on our block and I have it. Email me at and we'll figure out how to get it back to you.
