Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Zanzibar is Very Far

When I was a kid, we listened to tapes by a guy called Bill Harley. One of them included a story about how his procrastination of his homework led to him writing a song about Zanzibar with lots of fun facts, including that Zanzibar is very far (and that they don't have cars and that men and women smoke cigars).

Well, today, I went to Zanzibar but it was only 49 minutes via the Chicago Transit Authority. I should be more specific. I went to the Zanizbar Cafe at the corner of Bryn Mawr and Kenmore St.

I had a job interview today and this was the location of their choosing. (Now that my internships are coming to an end and we're heading into the new year, the job hunt is back on!).

In true Thomson fashion, I got there early and the interview started late.

I arrived at the Zanzibar Cafe at 9:30am (without the use of Google Maps, I might add. I'm getting good at finding my way around the city!), but since that was early, I circled the block. 9:40 is a far more reasonable time to arrive, I told myself, and I sat on the bench at the front of the restaurant.

Well, time wore on and soon it was 10 with no sign of an interviewer. A few minutes went by and I figured that if I stood up and walked to the bathroom, she would appear and wouldn't you know it, she'd been sitting at a table the entire time!

Well, we did the interview (no comment on that for the time being) and I headed home (another 49 minutes via train and bus). I didn't get anything to eat or drink at the Zanizbar Cafe because I was nervous (and late apparently) but it was very cute and I might have to find an excuse to go back, which won't be hard because it isn't very far.

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