Tuesday, December 6, 2016

When in Doubt, Chocolate

As I write this very post, I am killing time before I go to the final dress rehearsal of Lookingglass Theatre's Mr and Mrs Pennyworth. 

Most of today was spent temping, which is was a good way to make $12/hr while I did my Christmas shopping and I went straight from said work to the theatre. The downfall of this plan was that I was an hour early, so instead of walking outside in the cold, I did what any intelligent person would do: I walked into the Ghirardelli store (where they had free samples) and when I was done there, I went to the Hershey store, (where they did not). Chocolate is warm and smells good. I'm brilliant.
The Hershey store didn't have samples, but it does have a geotag

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