Sunday, December 11, 2016

Winter Storm Stuff

So that big old winter storm advisory hasn't turned out to be so bad. Yes, we have a few solid inches of snow but it started yesterday afternoon (around the time my first show of the day was starting, which made things pretty interesting), went on for a few hours, stopped this morning and just started up again. The sidewalks are slushy but the streets are nice and clear.

The only real things ways the snow has changed things for me is that last night's Uber home cost double because they had surge pricing (also, if anyone can help me figure out how to get Uber Pool that would be great. My new phone doesn't give me that option and I would like to save some money!) and today's show was cancelled. Honestly, today's show probably would have been cancelled rain or shine because we'd only sold about 40 tickets... But, now I have the day completely free to cook and clean  and read and sleep. I get to watch the snow from the warmth of my apartment, which is just the way I like.

Speaking of warmth, this week I made the life changing discovery of storm windows because up until a few days ago, I thought I was going to freeze my butt off in this Chicago winter since my room is one-half windows and it's been so cold, but the storm windows have really saved my butt. I might still get insulating curtains because I'm cold blooded and want to be as warm as humanly possible at all times, but we've already had a world of improvement.
Just in case you've never seen snow before, this is the view from my apartment.
Apart from being wrapped up in coats and scarves this week, my plans include some work stuff (including the end of my internship with Lookingglass Theatre -- sad), a skype date with my best friend in New York, a lunch date with my best friend here in Chicago, and a job interview. Stay tuned because I may or may not blog about it.

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