Monday, December 12, 2016

Whaddup from my Internship

Today, I braved the cold to go to my internship and I got there to discover that my boss was going to be two hours late without leaving me much to do, so I wanted to update you because my morning commute was a good one today.

First off, Chicago did a great job keeping the streets clear through all of the bad weather. The same cannot be said for the sidewalks because I basically skated to the train station this morning. No salt, no nothing. I did pass a few people shoveling outside of their shops and restaurants but nothing major.

I did make it to the train and managed to get a seat today, which was a good thing because we spent about ten minutes sitting at the station. According to the (repeated) announcements, there was a delay due to police activity a few stops ahead. I really want to know what was happening but a Google search currently yields zero news results so I'll check again later in the day.

Once the train did get moving, it was smooth sailing (erm, tracking? Railing? I don't know). I got off at my stop and made a detour at the post office before heading to work. The sidewalks in Noble Square aren't in any better condition than the sidewalks in Logan Square but I made it. Just in time to discover that my boss would be late! Woohoo! Now I'm writing up this quick post while I wait for further instructions of how to fill the next two hours.

I'll let you know if I find out what caused the delay on the train, or maybe you can let me know if you read this post and are inspired to do some internet-sleuthing of your own!

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