Friday, December 16, 2016

Hot Flash Holiday

Yesterday morning was spent earning an incredible $11/hr for answering phones. I was working on the 37th floor of some fancy building downtown. I don't have a clue who I was working for but thankfully I didn't have to do anything more than transfer the occasional phone call and sign for some packages.

After that was over, the real fun began. I headed to CTW where I took advantage of it being a dinner theatre by using the microwave to warm up the rest of my calzone from Wednesday (I'd brought it for lunch at my temp gig but I didn't actually get a lunch break so it was dinner instead!).

We had The Roast of Mister Scrooge last night, which is wayyy easier compared to Tony N Tina's or even the recently deceased We Gotta Bingo because there is no dinner! Actually, it would have been easier last night if my laptop hadn't said a permanent goodbye after I'd finished the seating chart but before I'd printed it. So it was open seating at CTW last night! (Or as I said "Find a chair! Put your butt in it!" It's a roast, after all, the cast shouldn't be the only ones having fun). I was actually nervous for this show because my boss from Poetry Pals had gotten a ticket. We had free tickets and I offered them to my Poetry Pals co-workers since we'd been talking about holiday festivities and she was the only one who took me up on it. I thought that was wonderful of her to do but I was also nervous because she is a very sweet woman -- with three kids under the age of six -- who spends her time teaching third graders acceptance through poetry and I'd invited her to a play that's two hours of pussy jokes.

She did enjoy the show and we spent intermission talking about dirty jokes and the future of Poetry Pals.

Very pink
After the show, my friends told me to wrap up and face the cold because we had another show to go to. Our friend, Laureen, who is in TnT, had written a two-women show called Hot Flash Holiday and had invited all of us. I was going to go to the performance on Tuesday night by myself but I'm so glad I didn't because going with my friends was pretty awesome. They had a very cute and very pink set and inspired by the color scheme (and my own love of the color pink), I ordered the Pretty-in-Pink, a raspberry/lemonade/vodka concoction, from the bar.  To get a taste of the show, you can watch their trailer here.

The show was a good time (as was the drink). I was sitting right behind the camera they were using to videotape it so they probably got a lot of my laughing on their audio. My favorite part was when they handed out "prescriptions." They'd written all sorts of ridiculous things and I got one that I think I will be taking to the pharmacy because pizza solves all problems.

More Scrooge tonight, more TnT this weekend and then I just have to prepare for my Chicago Christmas with my mom and sister!!!

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