Friday, April 14, 2017

Pencil Skirts Mandatory

Technically, no, that is not what the job listing said (nor was there an actual job listing, I got called in for a temp gig), I just look really good in pencil skirts.

I'm temping today and since my readers (*cough* Mom and Dad *cough*) demand blog posts about the most boring tidbits of my life, I thought I would oblige (and by oblige, I mean, I've been here for 45 minutes, answered three phone calls but am already bored out of my mind).

I'm temping at GATX again! They specifically requested me! #Famous. This is my fourth time filling in with them for a total of six days out of my 9322 days on this green(house gas emissions) earth. It's finally warm enough that I can ditch the dress pants (or black jeans masquerading as dress pants) for my preferred business casual pencil skirt. I look great in those bad boys!

Need proof? No worries, I took a selfie in the bathroom to kill some time when I arrived 15 minutes early.

Business awesome
Yup, I rock that look (who else can work a pencil skirt with their bright pink middle school backpack? Just me? Damn straight).

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