Tuesday, April 18, 2017

New Adventures in Public School

Bus stop selfie, amiright?
Yesterday was another FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! That's basically what I say any time I go to a new school for a residency, which is what I did yesterday. (It was not technically the first day of school, it was the first day of the last quarter of school for these kids).

I am still working with American Theater Company's Mosaic Program, but this time, instead of working with three classes at Kelvyn Park High School, I am assisting just one class at Roberto Clemente Community Academy. I kind of got thrown into this one at the last second because they needed a replacement TAA but luckily for me, I already know the program!

Yesterday was my first time going to the school and it is unlike anything I have ever seen before. I couldn't even fit the whole building into one photo! (There is actually a sky bridge that leads to the annex building). It definitely has a different vibe than KP (which was built in the 1930s for the record).

After class was over, I got to enjoy some nice sunny weather because spring has sprung here (at least for the past couple of days -- I've been told not to trust the weather here EVER). I'm going to enjoy the warm for now as I'm headed to the SECOND DAY OF SCHOOL.

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