Thursday, February 9, 2017

Sad Update

Remember when I promised you all that my best friend was coming and there were lots of blog posts in your reading future? Well, that promise has been postponed.

Thanks to whatever snowstorm is happening on the east coast, Mr. Ryan Lind's flight was cancelled. And then his second flight was cancelled. And then he couldn't get another flight that would make it worth his time to come because the airlines have cancelled something like 3000 flights today alone, so no happy fun times with my best friend this weekend.

The airline did give him a voucher to use in the next 60 days, so he will be here eventually but that leaves me visitor-less for the weekend and you blog-less for now.

I did buy tickets to see Improvised Shakespeare with Ryan and I'm not letting those go to waste tonight. I've lured my friend, Parker, into going with me and there may or may not be several alcoholic beverages in our future... (Not that I would ever post about that because drinking to forget is wrong. PSA over; post over).

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