Friday, February 17, 2017

Goodbye to My Impulse Control

Three blog posts in one week?! Wow, I am on a roll (actually, I'm on a chair. Sitting on a roll would probably be pretty weird).

 Another lazy (read super boring) day for me here in the Windy City. Although they should have renamed it the 50 Degree City because we had some crazy high temperatures here today (but don't worry, global warming is fake news).

Well, after breakfast, minimal cleaning and maximum red lipstick, I decided to head back to the Chicago Public Library -- my go to place to prevent me from binge eating on boring days. My resume is in need of some serious love so I spent the first hour of my allotted 120 minutes of CPL computer time doing that. I spent the rest of the time on Facebook and reading my latest library book, We Were Feminists Once. I'm still going to be a feminist when I'm done with it, but boy, the first chapter has already revealed how consumerism has cornered the market on feminism.

After that, I was on my way back to Logan Theatre, my new four-screen obsession. They'd wisely replaced La La Land with Lion and even though Lion hasn't been at the top of my movie going list, I like going to the movies.

On your right.
On the way there, however, I passed a bookstore that I have passed many times. The one difference was that today was the first time I had ever seen it open! I'm not sure that this was really cause for celebration, but their signage, as you'll see on your right, was.

Books and dogs! A dream come true. They tested my strength and wallet by having a buy-two-get-one-free deal happening, but considering that I already had three books in my backpack, I had to walk away (but not without petting the puppy, of course).

I can actually eat that
without vomiting later!
Ok, so apart from being historic and having a glittery marquee going for it, I am seriously falling in love with the Logan Theatre. Their tickets are cheap, their snacks are actually human sized (I got a small that was sized for a human and not a small whale) and while I was waiting for my movie (I was 30 minutes early), I heard the previews start for another movie and decided to check them out and an employee saw me and told me that it was fine and I could just stay there until my movie started! How awesome is that?!

And just like that, there goes my impulse control and expendable income, because as long as these guys keep cycling through movies while I have time off, I know where I'll be.

Also, Lion was the best damn movie I have seen in a long time INCLUDING The Lego Batman Movie and that is really, REALLY, REALLY high praise coming from yours truly. (Skip Blah Blah Land, go find Lion --movie review by me).

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