Thursday, February 16, 2017

Bored Blogger

I forgot to mention getting
cute for V-Day cuz I <3 me
What am I supposed to do with a whole free day? Update you, of course!

Well, technically my day isn't completely free because I'm going to a show with one friend and a birthday party with another friend tonight, but that isn't until after dinner, so I'm free for now.

The last time I wrote was on Tuesday and you wouldn't think that a lot has happened since then, but you are wrong. Ok, maybe you're technically right, but I am still going to blog about the things that did happen.

After hitting "Publish" on my last post, I went to meet the head teaching artist I am working with on my latest gig -- The Mosaic Project with American Theater Company! We met at New Wave Coffee and it was a brief meeting but made me more excited to start working (and we're getting close now because it starts next week!).

After that, my options were to either go home for a few hours before heading to an appointment or kill time until my appointment. I chose to kill time. This resulted in me getting lunch at Guy Fieri-approved BIG & little's. BIG & little's has several locations but the one closest to me is on the same street at Chicago Theater Works, so I've never gone (because why pay for food when I can get it for free at work?!). I changed that on Tuesday.

I ended up getting the Big & little's fish taco and an order of fries. (They had a lot of different types of tacos but I had to go with their signature one, after all). It was fried whitefish, cabbage, lettuce, tomato, their special sauce, tartar sauce and lime juice. Definitely NOT the best taco of my life but passable and the fries were good. I've heard they had a deep fried grilled cheese which I would love to get my hands on, but their menu only said regular grilled cheese, so maybe that location doesn't believe in adding a million extra calories to an American classic.

The rest of my wait time was spent wandering and spending some time in the Lincoln-Belmont Library (a new CPL location I had yet to visit). I guess this library is home to the National Vegetarian Museum, which was very confusing, because it was basically three large signs in a very small library.

It didn't seem like much of a "national" museum to me and I didn't even read their materials -- choosing instead to surf the internet for plays about women's basketball (I saw a sign for a play called The Tall Girls that seemed like a historical drama about a women's basketball team, and as a tall girl who starred in what is probably the only other historical drama about a women's basketball team -- Shooting Stars -- I was very curious. The Tall Girls, I discovered, is about a women's basketball team in the 1930s while Shooting Stars is about a women's basketball team in the 1960s. I might have to treat myself to a ticket to The Tall Girls just to compare them and also because who knew there was a market for theatre about women's basketball when there isn't even a real American market for women's basketball?!).
It came w/ a spoon so I could add my own sugar.

Those were my Tuesday adventures! My Wednesday adventures started with a 6am bus ride because it was time for Poetry Pals! I was meeting my ride at a coffee shop, La Colombe, and ordered a hot chocolate. It looked great, but it wasn't until after I'd paid and they were passing it to me across the counter that they told me that their hot chocolate isn't sweetened. I'm sorry, what?! A) If you aren't going to sweeten it, then what is the point? and B) Why didn't you tell me that before I paid?! Oh well, I added some sugar and took it to go because my fellow teaching artists were ready to hit the road (we were suburbs-bound for the day, hence why I needed a ride).

Poetry Pals is one of my many jobs but is probably one of my favorites right now. I don't know if I've talked much about it on my blog, but we were recently featured in the Chicago Tribune, so we're kind of a big deal. You can read about it here. Yesterday, we all got new Poetry Pals shirts with the new logo on them! I called dibs on the pink one. We took a picture of all of us in our new gear for our boss to post on social media, but she hasn't done that yet, so I can't show you how great we all look.

As much as I love Poetry Pals, it really tired me out, so the rest of the day was spent doing... nothing. Seriously. I basically slept away the rest of the day. And now, it's Thursday. As I said, I have plans to see a show and hang out with some friends tonight, but until then, it's a whole lot of walking around my apartment aimlessly in the hopes that I'll miraculously find something to do (I won't).

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