Sunday, November 13, 2016

It has seriously been ages since I last blogged! My apologies.

So, Cubs won the World Series yada yada yada. it was very loud yada yada yada. You don't actually need me to tell you this yada yada yada.

Basically, I have been super busy and instead of trying to write about every single detail since I last blogged -- mainly because I don't remember -- I'm going to just pick things up from here and hopefully not neglect this blog again.

Headed to brunch with Mandy this morning and then we have a show! Tony N Tina for the win (wait, no, that was the Cubs and Donald Trump... awkward... TnT is still good though! I love it, even when it's super crazy like it was with a two-show day and 184 people last night! Wow, nice  run on sentence/parenthetical,  Thomson...).

K, thnx, luv u, bye

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