Sunday, November 13, 2016

Brunch at Kanelas

Went to brunch with Mandy today. We went to a place called Kanela Breakfast Club that has several locations throughout the city but that I've really been wanting to try.

Holy cow, we were not disappointed. After ordering a mimosa and a bellini  (one for each of us, not one a piece), we saw the monkey bread... We ordered the monkey bread even though it was not meant for two mere mortals. This was the monkey bread meant for gorillas. The monkey breado to end all monkey bread!

It came in a cast iron skillet and yup, we ate all of it. I will definitely be taking Whitney and my mom here when they visit for the holidays because it is my favorite brunch spot yet. (AND THEY JUST BOUGHT PLANE TICKETS TODAY).

We still, however needed our main course. I was really torn because everything looked amazing. The red velvet French toast eventually beat the chocolate pancakes and I got herb roasted potatoes for the heck of it.

Wowza! The French toast was LEGIT and tasted like it had been drizzled in ice cream!!! So amazing! And, as I already said, I am excited to go back with my guests!

After that, I went to the show where an older gentleman gave me a $2 for helping bring his drinks to his table.

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