Tuesday, April 18, 2017

New Adventures in Public School

Bus stop selfie, amiright?
Yesterday was another FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! That's basically what I say any time I go to a new school for a residency, which is what I did yesterday. (It was not technically the first day of school, it was the first day of the last quarter of school for these kids).

I am still working with American Theater Company's Mosaic Program, but this time, instead of working with three classes at Kelvyn Park High School, I am assisting just one class at Roberto Clemente Community Academy. I kind of got thrown into this one at the last second because they needed a replacement TAA but luckily for me, I already know the program!

Yesterday was my first time going to the school and it is unlike anything I have ever seen before. I couldn't even fit the whole building into one photo! (There is actually a sky bridge that leads to the annex building). It definitely has a different vibe than KP (which was built in the 1930s for the record).

After class was over, I got to enjoy some nice sunny weather because spring has sprung here (at least for the past couple of days -- I've been told not to trust the weather here EVER). I'm going to enjoy the warm for now as I'm headed to the SECOND DAY OF SCHOOL.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Pencil Skirts Mandatory

Technically, no, that is not what the job listing said (nor was there an actual job listing, I got called in for a temp gig), I just look really good in pencil skirts.

I'm temping today and since my readers (*cough* Mom and Dad *cough*) demand blog posts about the most boring tidbits of my life, I thought I would oblige (and by oblige, I mean, I've been here for 45 minutes, answered three phone calls but am already bored out of my mind).

I'm temping at GATX again! They specifically requested me! #Famous. This is my fourth time filling in with them for a total of six days out of my 9322 days on this green(house gas emissions) earth. It's finally warm enough that I can ditch the dress pants (or black jeans masquerading as dress pants) for my preferred business casual pencil skirt. I look great in those bad boys!

Need proof? No worries, I took a selfie in the bathroom to kill some time when I arrived 15 minutes early.

Business awesome
Yup, I rock that look (who else can work a pencil skirt with their bright pink middle school backpack? Just me? Damn straight).

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Yesterday, I went to a play that Mandy's roommates were involved in (not just involved in, her roommate Kalli was the director and producer of the whole thing). While we were sitting there, I started telling her about For the Love Of (or the Roller Derby Play). The guy in front of us turned around and said that he'd just seen that show too. He'd seen it on Thursday! I asked him if he meant April 6th, because I'd seen it on Thursday as well. Turns out, he was sitting right behind me four days ago. He even remembered me as "the girl in the corner with the backpack." Yup! That's me! Small friggin world, amiright?

Post-show, we all went back to Mandy's, where I ended up with a glass of champagne in one hand and a slice of bacon/pickle pizza in the other. (I'm a bad vegetarian, I know, but late-night celebratory pizza definitely trumps self-imposed dietary restrictions!).

Now, today, I had a meeting at 11 and a doctor's appointment at 3. These two things happened to be an eight minute walk from each other (but roughly 40 minutes from my house) so my plan was to hang out in the neighborhood in between. The meeting was with the teaching artist I'll be working with for this second round of the Mosaic Program, which starts next week. We were meeting at a café called Delicious (promising name!). I timed it out perfectly! I got there RIGHT at 11 sharp! I didn't have to walk around the block an extra time like I normally do when I go somewhere because I'm always too early. Nope! Today was my day.

Now, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is, because after ordering my hot chocolate, admiring Delicious's sloth logo and marveling at their floor made of pennies, I sat down and waited. By 11:15, I was pretty confused. I didn't have my fellow teaching artist's phone number so I was trying to figure out how I could reach her. My first step was to reread our email exchange and this is where I discovered my blunder -- she asked if I would like to meet on Tuesday, April 11 at 4pm, which my brain read as Tuesday at 11. Good work, brain. I was not my standard early, I was extra super duper insane five hours early!!

Well, I finished my hot chocolate and decided I could still be productive with my day! I walked 30 minutes to CTW to do a little bit of work there, retraced most of my steps and got a cupcake lunch at small cakes (this month's special -- brownie red velvet! Ohmigawd!!!) and then decided to visit the small town that is Lakeview's newest Whole Foods. Well, who did I bump into there but the legend herself, Amanda Belscamper! She and her boss had run over for coffee and we all just happened to be there at the same time! Insane.

Well, post walk-thru of Whole Foods, I visited another branch of the Chicago Public Library to get some quality computer time (and have a place to sit where I wasn't expected to spend money). Does this particular branch smell like a stale fart and BO? Yup, pretty much, but is it free? Yes and free currently beats my burning nose hairs.

And that is where I am writing/posting from. Enjoy your reading material, I will now be enjoying mine (a book courtesy of CPL, obviously!)

Monday, April 10, 2017

Be Still My Reading Heart

One could argue that Chicago Theater Works is my home away from home. They could argue that. They would be WRONG! My home away from home is the Logan Square branch of the Chicago Public Library!

This is where I go when I need something to do or a change of scenery. It's where I go when I want to get books! The one problem with this branch is that it doesn't have every single book I want! But, having a library card means that I can have any book at any library in CPL delivered to the Logan Square branch. This is obviously extremely useful! I put holds on books all. the. time. Like everyday! One of the best days of my life was when I discovered that CPL has an app that you can put on your phone and use to find books! One of the next best days of my life was the following day when the official CPL twitter retweeted my tweet about them having an app!

Photographic evidence

Both the CPL website and app have added a banner at the top of their pages (yes, I do sometimes still use the website) saying that website logins and holds will be unavailable from April 13-21 and that you will need to use your card at the library. This means stocking up! So I went to the library today to pick up a book on hold and grab another book that they did happen to have in stock.

Now, while I was checking out the book, I got news that would shatter my world! I thought that even though the website would be unavailable, any books that were in transit to the branch (I am currently waiting on two) would still be available for pick up when they arrived. WRONG! Nope, any books on hold that arrive at the branch will have to be stored until the system is back online! That means that if my two books (or even more since I always have several books on hold at one time) arrive after Wednesday, I won't be able to get them until the 22nd! This is awful! I currently have three and a half books checked out (I technically have four, but since I am halfway through one of them, it doesn't count) which will probably get me through the first two days of this insanity!

I'm working on a list based on my reading list of books that are, in fact, available at the Logan Square Library branch. I picked up one today obviously, but I'm going to have to go get more tomorrow, before it's too late!*

*I will be able to check out books after April 13, but I won't have any way of knowing that the books that are on my reading list/that I want to read are available at the Logan Square branch.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

A picture is worth 15 words

Hello Sun!

The sun graces us with it's presence and warmth yesterday! We are blessed!

It was a two show day for Tony N Tina's but it was also over 60 degrees out! Insane. I opened both of the doors at the church to let the light in and today is supposed to be even nicer!

(Although we all know that after the awful winter at the TnT church where my fingers basically froze and broke off, I am going to melt without any AC at the church this summer, but let me enjoy it for now).

Friday, April 7, 2017

Writing the Comedy Memoir

Well, say goodbye to all of my expendable income! I just signed up for a class at the Second City Training Center called Writing the Comedy Memoir. It is, obviously, a class for writing about molecular biology and quantum physics. Just kidding! See? I'm already writing funny stuff!

It was a pretty chunk of change, but that's what savings bonds are for, amiright?

Just kidding again, I don't know what savings bonds are technically for, but I'm going to cash mine and use them for this.