Monday, January 30, 2017

Women's March and More

Bad blogger in the house! The last time I posted was a whole 10 days ago (which has been enough time for Trump to turn the world upside down but not destroy everything I hold near and dear).

Parker was a good sport.
The March was pretty fantastic. Getting there was an adventure that included a crowded train platform, the decision to ditch the CTA and take an Uber, an ambulance pulling up, someone stealing my Uber ride (how does that even happen?!) and finally getting a ride to the rally.

They guess there were 250,000 marchers there, which is about 200,000 more than they'd anticipated or something crazy like that. The group was SO large that they apparently cancelled the "march" portion, and we were no longer supposed to walk through the streets of Chicago as had been planned.

Nasty Girls become Nasty Women
Except no one told us this. After standing for about 90 minutes, people started walking and I started walking with. I didn't even know that the march had been cancelled until I got to work after it was all said and done. My response? "Well, the march might have been cancelled, but I definitely marched somewhere."

It was a really marvelous experience, in my opinion. I definitely felt like I was making history. Speaking of history, I happened to find a picture of myself dressed as Susan B. Anthony for a third grade history project. Nine year old me would be very proud of 25 year old me (25 year old me is proud but knows that this is just the beginning!).

That day was a busy one for me though! I went from the March directly to be a volunteer at PuppetFest with Adventure Stage. My internship is coming to an end there very soon which is sad but also good because I am distinctly tired of working with puppets.

But, not tired enough because after that, it was time for Tony N Tina's Wedding! Woah! Crazy day!! Another fictional wedding on Sunday but luckily, I had Monday and Tuesday off.

Me and my puppet "friend"
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week were spent back at ASC with the puppets as we had student matinees. My job for three days was "the runner." After almost five months of never having to run to pick up someone's coffee, I was finally getting my cardio in. My job (for three straight days) was to lead groups of students up the three flights of stairs from the lobby to the theatre and then head back down to collect the next group. At the end of the show, I had to do the process in reverse. I did get a walkie talkie, but no code name (and it took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure out exactly what button I needed to push so people could hear me. Oops!). After the show on Friday, the ASC team went out for lunch because it was the other intern's last day. We got Thai food, which has never really been my thing but I got eggplant in oyster sauce with tofu and it was pretty good!
Solid advice.

After that, I had to go to the post office. BUT, the post office happens to be near Katherine Anne Confections, which you might remember as the first stop on the Hot Cocoa Crawl. I was a bigger fan of KAP than my mom and sister but it did help us confirm that marshmallows are way better than whipped cream. Either way, I gave them a second shot and treated myself! I got their milk chocolate with a salted caramel marshmallow. As I had suspected, the milk chocolate mixed with the salted caramel was a much better blend than the salted caramel hot chocolate/salted caramel marshmallow that we got as part of the hot chocolate flight we'd ordered. That had been TOO salty. My new order gave me the best of all worlds -- great chocolate, a puffy marshmallow and a hint of the salty caramel flavor that has taken over the world.

Saturday was a crazy long day for me where I worked two jobs and eventually 15 straight hours! I had training for my new job at American Theater Company (where I found out that my teaching partner has a recurring role on my favorite show, Empire) and went straight from there to house managing at CTW. It a two show day at TnT. Our first two show day actually. I've had days with two shows there, but this was the first time we did TnT back to back and I thought it was a great success actually. The crowds were pretty moderately sized and I did have the three bitchiest women I've had to deal with during the entire run, but no real drama (apart from the scripted stuff).

They say that Sunday is our day of rest but they also say no rest for the wicked (awesome! Boston babe over here!). I spent yesterday cooking and cleaning in preparation of my first real adult dinner party! I had invited the crew from Poetry Pals over for dinner because everyone had been talking about doing something but no one had ever put it together. I changed that. I made mac and cheese and cookie bars and had a really great time. People brought their own contributions and I ended up with enough leftovers to get through the next two weeks (including my boss's fresh made guacamole and some beer that has a guy with six arms and two cats on the label! Complete win). To finish off with all of that adulting, I actually used my oven's self cleaning function for the first time ever last night (there was a minor mac mishap, but I took care of it).

Today I was supposed to be back at Adventure Stage for my last full day but as I was getting dressed, my boss called to let me know that I was sick. This gave me the time and motivation to write this post. I'm also working on doing some career things, which led to me finding and downloading the study guide I'd worked on while I was at Lookingglass Theatre.

Now, I knew I'd written a lot of the content but I didn't know I was getting quite as much credit as they gave me! I'm super excited! Like not only will it be amazing for my portfolio but it's just really damn cool!

Just in case you're wondering about the kind of credit I've gotten at ASC, don't worry. They credited me on their study guide as well -- they just used a smaller font! I also got to make this awesome lobby display that looks pretty incredible.

Some MCT friends are going to be in Chicago this week so I will be seeing them at some point and I'm sure that will give me some blog worthy stuff but until then, enjoy this because it's way more entertaining than whatever is happening in the real world and way less likely to make you want to move to Canada!

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