Sunday, August 21, 2016

The New City Passport

A little over a year ago, I created something that I called "The New City Passport" to help my friends who were moving to new cities. Well, now it's my turn. I've already gotten started (albeit by accident, I sort of forgot about it until this afternoon), but let's see if I can cross off each of these things before the end of my first year here. Below I've just copied the document I sent my friend (but I've added my own comments and updates)

Congratulations on making it to your new home! As you unpack your bags, you’re probably wondering what you should do next and, now, I have got the answer for you! Below is a list of activities for you to complete within your first year in your new and exciting city and hopefully at the end of the year, you will have a wonderful scrapbook of all the amazing things you never thought you would try (this blog is going to serve as my scrapbook, my passport, my rules).
Guidelines for the New City Passport:
·         Items do not have to be completed in order nor do all items necessarily need to be completed.
·         Photographic evidence is required for each activity. You should also save any other mementos you come across (playbills, tickets, receipts, etc.)
·         Add your own item to the list! In fact, that’s one of the things on the list, but feel free to add as many as you like. This is about remembering an incredible year, so anything that was incredible or special to you should be included. I wrote the list, do I really need to add stuff?
·         Share the love! You’ve got roommates, feel free to send this list to anyone you think would benefit from having some fun.
·         I do not need to be updated every time you complete an item on the list, but I wouldn’t mind it! Think about maybe keeping a blog specifically for Passport related activities! I mean...
To Do:
1.       Visit at least one popular tourist attraction  Technically, I had already done this before I arrived. I'd seen a lot of tourist attractions here. I'll check it off for now, but I'm going to need to get some more
2.       Buy yourself a really ugly piece of memorabilia from your new home (i.e. tacky magnet or bottle opener but it has to be ugly and say the name of where you got it! Bonus points if it is wearable)
3.       Go postcard hunting! 
o    Mail yourself a postcard today (make sure to date it!) describing how you feel about your new city and what you hope happens this year. Mail it to yourself (yes, this step is very important, it has to go through the US Postal service) and then put it somewhere safe, but don’t read it again. Write yourself another post card at the end of your first year and mail it to yourself and then compare the two!
o    Mail me a postcard! You can send it to me in Missoula or Cohasset – I don’t care, I just want to know how you’re doing, plus I love getting mail! Make sure to date it so that I know when you sent it! (This was written for other people who I'd sent the list to, I guess I need to update my address)
I've decided to change this one, actually. I'm going to find myself a nice card and send it on the first night I spend in my new apartment. This way, it will be sealed in an enveloped that I won't open until a full year has passed! Pretty smart, huh?
4.       See a play (or 10)  Peter Pan on Friday! Check. Nine (thousand) more to go.
5.       See a foreign film. Bonus points if there are subtitles I mean, I saw Suicide Squad, so I'm off to a start
6.       Go to a concert (rock and roll, classical, that random indie-hippie chick with a guitar at the local coffeeshop, whatever)
7.       Visit a local museum/art gallery
8.       Volunteer for at least one hour at a charity of your choice (hooking up with ugly people doesn’t count as charity) I haven't done this yet, but it should be noted that I'm so charming!
9.       Eat at an authentic Chinese restaurant (and no take-out either!)
10.    Try a foreign cuisine that you’ve never had before
11.    Eat at an exclusively vegetarian/vegan restaurant I went to the Chicago Diner when I was here in February. It was amazing and is within walking distance of my new apartment. I'll have to find other veggie-places but it's good to know that I've already found one I love (even if their vegan shakes do cost EIGHT dollars!)
12.    Find a really, really good pizza place and try a topping you’ve never had before I mean, it's Chicago, this one shouldn't be hard...
13.    Find a good place for breakfast that ISN’T Dunkin I'm going to do this tomorrow! At least, I'm going out for breakfast and I hope that it's good. (But there are a lot of Dunkins here, which is always a good backup).
14.    Get your coffee/work on your screenplay at a coffee shop that ISN’T Starbucks I'm hoping to do this on Friday! I joined a writing group and they meet at a coffee shop in Logan Square. I went there while I was in Logan Square this past Friday so I know where I'm going.
15.    Go to an ice cream parlor (parlor? Restaurant? Whatever, it’s ice cream!) and order the most expensive thing on the menu (within reason, but hey, live a little!!)
16.    Find a thrift store
17.    Go to three independent bookstores (that you’ve never been to before). Bonus points if you can find a bookmark (or business card) I've found one in Logan Square. Might apply for a job there if they're hiring.
18.    Make dinner – get all of the ingredients from a local farmer’s market or independent stores Well, I've obviously made dinner, just not all fancy from a farmer's market...
19.    Take a different route than your usual one to work (or the gym or somewhere else – anywhere you go on a semi-regular basis) I don't go anywhere on a semi-regular basis YET
20.    Go to a yoga class I did this tonight! It kicked my butt. I bought a pass for unlimited classes for two weeks and as long as I go to one other class, the thing has paid for itself!
21.    Go to a Zumba class
22.    Visit your local library and take out a book I went to the library on Friday, but couldn't get a library card because I can't prove I live here YET.
23.    Say hello to a neighbor that you don’t normally talk to
24.    Plan a day trip for somewhere outside of the city
25.    Make a new friend

26.    Add at least one thing to this list: As I said above, I wrote the list! What else can I add? Eh, I'm sure I'll think of something!

So, that's the Passport. I suggest you check off an item in your city, even if they've lived somewhere for a long time. You'll have fun, I promise.

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